Zimbabwe has come a very long and turbulent way but still there is nothing to show that the suffering is relenting.
People have been led astray for too long firstly by those who were at the forefront of the liberation struggle who later turned into being the oppressors themselves more than Smith and his gang, then there came those who failed to dislodge these latter day oppressors while Zimbabweans continue to suffer unabated.
Today when people thought that they were now masters of their own destiny, those who are supposed to govern the country by making sure that every area of Zimbabwe is evenly catered for, are busy feathering their nests while the common man continues to scratch the hard surface for survival.
There is no clean water to drink in nearly every urban centre. There are no medicines in nearly every hospital in country whose facilities are also falling to pieces through neglect.
The roads are so pot-holed in such a way that driving has become a menace. There are no street lights that moving at night has become a nightmare. Electricity supply is so erratic in such a way that many industries have closed down and sent workers home to join the unemployment list which now stands at more than 85% and still rising.
The so called opposition, just like the ruling party, is busy jostling for positions in their respective organisations and totally neglecting the plight of the people on the ground that you sometimes wonder if there is a government in place.
There is absolutely nothing to indicate that there are ministries of government in place to cater for these diminishing amenities. All of those ministers are busy lining their pockets to look at what they are mandated to do at their ministries.
The country has just broken down before our own eyes and this calls for every citizen to play their part in bringing our country back to its feet.
We can no longer rely on these people to work out some miracles when they have failed to do that in the past 36 years they have been in power. Neither can we have faith in those who have failed to dislodge this Zanu-PF group that has been responsible for our demise. We need new people with new ideas to resuscitate Zimbabwe.
We need people who will unite all people to work as one unit regardless of what we hear from a Vice President of a nation Mr Phelekezela Mphoko saying Zezuru, Karanga...which is the working of a misguided and ignorant individual. In Zimbabwe we are one.
Zimbabwe needs people who are down to earth. People who will listen to the plight of every individual and work towards alleviating their problems.
Zimbabwe needs a government that is accountable to its deeds and transparent in its working, giving everybody the right to question their activities.
A government is for the people, by the people and of the people. There is no reason to behave like a monarchy when you are chosen by the people who have a right to vote you out should you fail to serve as required by law.
And for that reason I put all my faith in this new man Nathan Banana.

Mr Lameck Mahachi is a Zimbabwean Elder who writes from experience. Like many Zimbabweans his wish is to one day live in a Zimbabwe where all can unleash their full potential without any forms of intimidation.